Yesterday was a great appointment with Dr. Vukov. He said my counts all looked (reasonably) good. My white count had gone down a bit since my last appointment but wasn't anything to be concerned over, my red blood cell count has increased greatly (which is great because those are the infection fighters), but my platelets hadn't gone up much at all.
He said he was very happy with how well I am doing and sees no signs whatsoever of the Leukemia coming back!!
Let's just say I was SO happy that I was talking like crazy to everyone around me. Haha! That was according to Justin. Love that hubby of mine! : ) I was just over the moon happy and feeling so thankful!
We have completed my first round of treatment and are now starting my second. I'm going to post in another blog what my last course of treatment was and what my next course will be. But since everything is going so well and my oncologist sees no signs of the Leukemia returning and can tell the chemo is doing what it is supposed to do my treatment schedule will be changing. From chemo quite often to only having it every ten days. To me that is a HUGE thing.
But like I said, my platelets were a little low (an 8) so he had me go in today for a platelet transfusion. No problems there, but like with any transfusion they had to constantly monitor my vitals. The first time my nurse checked my blood pressure it registered at 85/52 which is considered pretty low. My nurse was concerned so she kept checking it. I wasn't having any symptoms of the low blood pressure though. Finally after many checks it had gone up to my normal range of 97/64. I used to have perfect blood pressure before being diagnosed in December, but after starting the chemo my bp had gone up to around 150/115 and always stayed high. I had to constantly monitor it myself here at home and my doctor was very concerned so I ended up starting a med for it called Lisinopril awhile back.
Now I go back next Tuesday for my normal weekly cbc and then I won't go back for a few weeks. Dr. Vukov is waiting for my counts to "rebound" and go back to being completely normal before he starts the next round of treatment.
I have a little bit of a cold and I still don't have a ton of energy but both are getting better!
Easter is almost here and we still need to take the kids to see the bunny at the mall for pictures. I am hoping for decent weather this weekend so we can possibly do a small egg hunt for the kids here but so far it's calling for rain all weekend. Aly's getting to the age where she is definitely getting more into the holidays and Connor just doesn't understand it all yet.
Hoping for sunshine this weekend! : )
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