Whew. What a long day. I woke up this morning knowing I had my weekly oncology appointment. What I didn't know was that I would be starting chemo and would be having a spinal tap both done today. We found this out when we went in for my appointment and were a little caught off guard and surprised. I also was told I would need to go Methodist tomorrow for a blood transfusion because my hemoglobin was at a 7 (has even been down to a 5 before and this was something I did expect to hear). My doctor has decided he wants me to try Vitamin B6 to see if it helps any with the Neuropathy in my hands and feet. I had a good appointment and then had the chemo and afterwards we went to the hospital for a type and cross for the transfusion tomorrow and then had the spinal tap. The same doctor that did my dual power port is the same one that did my spinal tap today. I'm not sure if I'm starting to develop scar tissue from the five spinal taps I've had or what but wow, the one I had today hurt pretty gosh darn bad and I'm still having a pretty good amount of pain from it. I have to have more lidocaine than the average person and they know that. But today I felt like I was about to climb the walls because the shots were not numbing my back very well. I will be having another spinal in a few weeks and I hope that one goes smoother. Afterwards they took me to recovery and I had to lay still and rest on my back for an hour. I felt fine and after that hour Justin and I left the hospital.
Tonight Aly had her tap dance class and she had to dress up in her full costume for her upcoming recital. She's going to be a duckling "or as the song goes, I'm a baby quack quack..." and she looked adorable! I'm so glad she loves the class and I'm so glad I went tonight and watched her. It was watch week and my counts are good enough right now so I didn't need to worry so much being around the crowd. Her recital is coming up so quick!
I'm posting a picture from her class tonight of her dressed up but I'm watermarking the picture. I got an
e-mail the other day on here about someone trying to copy one of my pictures on here. I don't care if family or friends copy my pictures because I know it's with good intentions but I don't want to chance someone I don't know "stealing" pictures of my kids. It's something that happens more than you'd like to think. I could make my blog private so only certain people could read it but that's not something I'm wanting to do. So if you like a picture on here just let me know and I can send it to you without the watermark. : )
But I thought this picture was pretty precious!
Tomorrow morning I have to be back at Methodist for two bags of blood and hopefully I'll get some energy back soon. I had a really good weekend and got a lot accomplished that I wanted to but I'm definitely feeling drained now.
Off to bed.
I like the picture, can I get it without the watermark?