To things being back to "normal" around here. Or as normal as things were before my diagnosis in December. I just wrote out a check and addressed the envelope to send off Aly's admission fee for her to start back at Hobby Horse this Fall. Happiest I've ever felt writing a check. ; )
I've been SO tired all day. I have my weekly appointment tomorrow so I'll find out what my counts are but I'm assuming they have gone down and that is the reason I'm feeling so tired. But I'm up late now because I took a late nap today. I need to get to bed because early tomorrow morning we also have Aly's 4 year checkup at her pediatrician.
Oh, my mouth sores have returned. My tongue is a little sore and I'm definitely feeling them on the left side of my throat. I mentioned to Justin earlier about them and he asked if I thought maybe it was just the start of a sore throat. Nope, definitely sores. Nooo way you can mistake this for a sore throat. : (
One more thing. I'm hoping I'm not jinxing us but our A/C decided it didn't want to work again - we noticed it this morning and Justin called and the company we go thru came right out and told us he thinks it might just be because it's been running non-stop recently and didn't find anything else wrong. So the guy charged the unit and gave us a bill for $115.00. It got up to 83 in here (not as bad as the 95 it got in here last time it was out!) and we were all feeling pretty cranky from the heat. So thankful the guy got it going again though.*Fingers crossed*
Off to bed! I'll update more tomorrow after my appointment.
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