Thursday, December 1, 2011


       I'm so tired. Actually, that doesn't even begin to come close to how I'm feeling.

Before starting the radiation Dr. V told me to expect exhaustion about a week or so after I was done. Well, he was right (I never doubted him). I have no energy to do anything. I've been trying to take it easy but it's just so hard have two little kids.

Today is the first day of our Advent calendar so I forced myself to get everything done for it (all the papers cut out, written out, and put into the pockets) but I honestly didn't even feel like doing something as simple as that. I plan on starting it tonight with the kids.

My appointment with LH went well Tuesday. My white count is down to 1.59 but my platelets and hemoglobin are okay. I started the chemo pills back up (6 MP and oral Methotrexate) back up. And I'm still scheduled to have my next spinal on December 13th, she had talked to Dr. V about possibly delaying it one week because we know how much my counts drop with it, but she talked to him and he wants me to go ahead and stick with that day. I'm okay with that, and if my counts do drop a lot - which I expect - than I'll have enough time to get in for blood or platelets before Christmas. I'm so excited for Christmas this year, so I'm hoping and praying that everything works out good.

All in all it was a good appointment. Another thing, I thought I would only be having one more year for maintenance therapy but I was wrong, I'll have two more years. Whatever keeps me in remission though. : )

I seriously cannot remember the last time I felt this tired. I'm waiting for Justin to get home from work and then we are doing a simple dinner. Very simple.

I will go back in next week to have blood drawn to check my counts and then my next appointment is on the 13th, I'll be starting back on Vincristine that day also.


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